filepath = "C:\Users\venu\Desktop\test\files"
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set folder = fso.getFolder(filepath)
set files = folder.Files
arrColumns = Array("Col1", "Col2", "Col3")
delimiter = ","
cnt = CInt(files.count)-2
If cnt>0 Then
set exl = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
exl.visible = false
set objWorkbook = exl.workbooks.Add()
set objSheets = objWorkbook.sheets
objSheets.Add , , cnt
objSheets("Sheet1").name = "Config"
''Set the header in Config sheet..
With exl.sheets.item("Config")
.cells(1, 1) = "FileDescription"
.cells(1, 1).Font.Bold = true
.cells(1, 1).Interior.ColorIndex = 10 '' 16=brown, 10= green,
.cells(1, 1).Borders.LineStyle = 1
End With
i = 2 '' To start printing the data from second row in each sheet..
iConfig = 2 ''to place the data in config sheet based on text files count
for each file in files
filename = Split(, ".")(0)
''Rename the sheet names based on file names
objSheets("Sheet"&i).name = filename
''Get file names into Config sheet for linking sheets with file names in config sheet
set configSheet = exl.sheets.item("Config")
configSheet.cells(iConfig, 1) = filename
'' Hyperlink worksheets from Config file..
configSheet.Hyperlinks.Add configSheet.Cells(iConfig, 1),"", "'" & filename & "'!A1"
iConfig = iConfig + 1
set configSheet = Nothing
''Set the control to the required sheet based on file name..
set ws = exl.sheets.item(filename)
''Set Headers for each file in respective sheet
Col = 1
for each ele in arrColumns
ws.cells(1, col) = ele
ws.cells(1, col).Font.Bold = true
ws.cells(1, col).Interior.ColorIndex = 10 '' 16=brown, 10= green,
ws.cells(1, col).Borders.LineStyle = 1
col = col+1
''Now read the file content and set the data in respective sheets..
rowNo = 2
''Read the text file and update the respective sheets based on file name..
set objTextFile = fso.openTextFile(file, 1)
Do Until objTextFile.AtEndOfStream
colNo = 1
strLine = objTextFile.Readline
If Trim(strLine) <> "" And Len(Trim(strLine)) Then
arrData = split(strLine, ",")
for each ele in arrData
ws.cells(rowNo, colNo) = Trim(ele)
ws.cells(rowNo, colNo).Borders.LineStyle = 1
colNo = colNo+1
rowNo = rowNo + 1
End If
set objTextFile = Nothing
i = i+1
Set exl = Nothing
End If
set fso = Nothing
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